- How To Get Education Loan For Study in Abroad?
Friends, in today’s date, every student’s dream is to go for higher education in a foreign university, where after completing his studies, he gets a good job and he gets more months even in India.
How many young people are there, but if you have to fulfill these dreamsIf you want to go to countries then more money is required in it and in such a situation if you do not have money then you cannot fulfill your dream.
Most importantly, if you enroll to study in a foreign country’s college or university, then for this you have to first give the lielts exam, only then you will be able to take admission in foreign universities and colleges. If you need more moneyYou do not know IELTS loan kaise le if you want to know about it then read this post till the end
IELTS Full Form
Full form of IELTS International English Language Testing System which is called International English Testing System in Hindi. This type of exam especially students who want to take admission in foreign colleges and universities,
it is necessary to pass this exam. one of a kindEntry pass to take admission in a university or college abroad, without this you cannot get higher education in the university or college here.
If you want to take admission in a foreign university or college, then it will be necessary for you to pass the IELTS exam, only then you will be able to get admission in that college or university, after giving this exam, you prove that you have a lot of English. Because of the world itself comes wellIn most of the countries, studies are done in English language only,
if you do not pass this exam then you will not get admission in foreign college university. We are not organized in India but in most of the countries of the world. Director British council Cambridge English Language Australia is the assessment and IDP education.
Now if you enroll in higher educational institutions to study abroad, you need more money, for this you will easily get liens from the bank because most of the big educational institutions are settled with the bank which is cheap for you. Provide loan at interest rate or if you want bankYou can also apply for this loan by visiting
Required Documents for IELTS Loan
- Student’s Identity Proof and Age Proof (Pan Card Aadhar Card)
- Academic Record and Address Proof (Voter Card Aadhar Card)
- The proof of income and address of the student taking the loan is submitted along with his/her relationship with the guardian or parents.
- It is very important to have a copy of the admission letter of the institute in which you want to take admission.
- Visa Approval of the student going for Abroad Study.
- GRE, GMAT etc
iELTS Loan Interest Rate
ilets loan usually comes under education loan, if you take this type of loan from bank then you may have to pay interest rate from 11% to 14% as interest rate. The interest rate of different banks is also very high.
It is different, so before taking a loan from any bank, you should be well aware of the interest rate by going thereGet the information so that you can take this type of loan from the bank. The biggest thing is that you do not have to pay any tax to the government in this type of loan.
iELTS Loan Grunter
By the way, if you take an education loan from the government and its amount ranges from ₹ 3 lakh to ₹ 4 lakh, then you do not need to submit any kind of security document with the government, you get the loan easily,
unlike if you If you want to study in other countries then you need more money thereit occurs.If you take ilets loan from the bank, then if you have any documents of your property or land, then you will have to deposit it in the bank, only then you will be able to get an amount of 25 to 30 lakh rupees to study abroad.
Therefore, while taking an ilets loan, you should always keep in mind that the most important thing is that the bank first checks whether the university in which the students are going to study is valid and also checks whether to do the course. After that the students will get the job or not.
Also, the credit history of the students is also seen. By the way, if you take an education loan from the bank and its amount ranges from 300000 lakh to ₹ 400000, then you do not need to submit any kind of security document with the bank.
You get loans easily, unlike if you also want to study in countries, then you need more money there, in such a situation, if you take an ilets loan from the bank, then you will get your property documents or land documents.
If you have it, then you have to deposit it in the bank, only then you will go abroad 25 to 30 lakh rupees will be available for studies, so always keep this in mind while taking ilets loan.
Education loan